Menstrual Hygiene Management- Educating the Girls’ students
In the next stage of sensitizing students in the 26 Government Schools
under the preview of our WASH project aegis UNICEF, where have now started sensitizing the
senior girls from classes 6th to 10th on the more sensitive and crucial aspects
of Menstrual Hygiene Management.
In the girls’ sessions apart from detailed explanation of the
menstrual cycle, related process, facts, myths, taboos, the girls are
primarily educated on the ways to take care of themselves during the
* To clarify your doubts, seek guidance from your mother or speak to
some elderly women.
* To control the bleeding and avoid staining of clothes, girls should
either use sanitary napkins or properly washed and sun dried cloth.
* The girls are explained that it is normal to have irregular periods
in the start as it takes time for body to adapt to new hormones. Irregular
periods for a new beginner varying from 22 to 34 days are normal.
* Colour of blood is usually bright red in beginning and then slowly
turns into brown.
* Not having periods even uptil the age of 15 to 16 is normal but
beyond this age, the girls must visit the doctor.
* The white discharge from the vagina is a natural process of
cleaning of body as long as it does not smell a lot and if it is not green
(like balgam).
* Feel tired or pain during the periods is normal.
* Food or diet to be taken during periods: important to have iron
rich foods like banana, apple, spinach, black chana, etc., have lots of water
especially during periods.
* To have relief from pain: drink hot milk or ginger tea, use hot
water bottle on lower abdomen and lower back, massage your lower abdomen or
lower back with pain relieving oil.
* Wearing fresh underwear is a must for females.
* If anyone feels like eating mitti, chalk or scrape wall- it means
you are deficient in iron. Consume the iron tablets which are made available in
Educating the girls that menstrual hygiene is vital to their health makes them more confident, aware and maintain hygiene for safe and healthy life.
We hope that these sessions
will work as a trigger for better, stronger
development of girls.